Figure 1-1. Digital Voltmeter AN/GSM-64CCHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-444-14-20019Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-11-6625-444-14-20020Table 1-2. Ac Voltage Ranges*Table 1-3. Ac Voltage AccuracyFigrue 1-2. Outline Drawing, Portable ConfigurationFigure 1-3. Outline Drawing, Rack Mount ConfigurationCHAPTER 2. INSTALLATION - TM-11-6625-444-14-20025Figure 2-1. AN/GSM-64C Packing DiagramFigure 2-2. Voltage Selection and Fused Receptacle (Rear Panel)Figure 2-3. Equipment ConnectionsFigure 2-4 Rack Mount InstallationCHAPTER 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-444-14-20031Figure 3-1. Front Panel Controls and InstrumentsTable 3-1. Front Panel Controls and InstrumentsTable 3-1. Front Panel Controls and Instruments-continued - TM-11-6625-444-14-20034Table 3-1. Front Panel Controls and Instruments-continued - TM-11-6625-444-14-20035Figure 3-2. Rear Panel Controls and InstrumentsTable 3-2. Rear Panel Controls and InstrumentsFigure 3-3. Common Mode Signal ConfigurationFigure 3-4. Guarded Signal ConfigurationSection II. OPERATlON UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONSDC/DC Ratio MeasurementAc Voltage MeasurementAc+Dc Voltage MeasurementFigure 3-6. Effect of DC Bias on the True Rms Voltage of a Square WaveRemote ProgrammingStandby OperationSection III. PREPARATION FOR MOVEMENT - TM-11-6625-444-14-20047CHAPTER 4. OPERATOR AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-444-14-20049Checks and ServicesTable 4-3. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 4-3. Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services-continuedSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-11-6625-444-14-20053Functional Testing - TM-11-6625-444-14-20054CHAPTER 5. FUNCTIONING OF EQUIPMENT - TM-11-6625-444-14-20055Table 5-1. Ac AttenuationAnalog to Digital (A/D) ConverterTable 5-3. Ratio RangingSection II. LOGIC CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONFigure 5-1. Range Selection DiagramTable 5-5. Range Selection Logic, A2-LJ67Up Range Detector, Minus VoltageTable 5-7. Autorange Logic, A2-U52Ratio Autoranging (A1 Assembly)Ratio Down Range Detector, Minus Input SignalFigure 5-2. Function Selection DiagramTiming WaveformsFigrue 5-3. Timing WaveformsCHAPTER 6. DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCEFigure 6-1. Location of Test PointsFigure 6-2. Location of AdjustmentsSection II. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT - TM-11-6625-444-14-20072Power Supply ChecksFigure 6-4. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Dc Voltage (Sheet 1 of 5)Figure 6-4. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Dc Voltage (Sheet 2 of 5)Figure 6-4. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Dc Voltage (Sheet 3 of 5)Figure 6-4. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Dc Voltage (Sheet 4 of 5)Figure 6-4. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Dc Voltage (Sheet 5 of 5)Figure 6-5. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Ac Voltage (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 6-5. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Ac Voltage (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 6-6. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Dc/Dc Ratio (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 6-6. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Dc/Dc Ratio (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure 6-7. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Auto Ranging (Sheet 1 of 4)Figure 6-7. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Auto Ranging (Sheet 2 of 4)Figure 6-7. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Auto Ranging (Sheet 3 of 4)Figure 6-7. Troubleshooting Flow Chart, Auto Ranging (Sheet 4 of 4)Figure 6-8. PCB, Digital Circuit BoardFigure 6-9. PCB, Analog Circuit BoardSection IV. MAINTENANCE OF THE VOLTMETERFigure 6-10. Digital Voltmeter AN/GSM-64C, Exploded ViewFigure 6-11. Rms Converter (A7) Singnal Input ConnectionsRepair and Replacement - TM-11-6625-444-14-20092Figure 6-12. Digital Voltmeter AN/GSM-64C, Front Panel AssemblyAssembly - TM-11-6625-444-14-20094Figure 6-13. Digital Voltmeter AN/GSM-64C, Bottom Cover ExplosionFigure 6-14. Digital Voltmeter AN/GSM-64C, Rear Panel AssemblySection V. PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE TESTSTable 6-3. Voltmeter Dc Voltage Accuracy ChecksTable 6-4. Voltmeter Dc Volts Autoranging ChecksTable 6-5. Voltmeter Dc/dc Ratio Autoranging ChecksFigure 6-17. Ac Voltage Accuracy ChecksSection VI. FINAL ADJUSTMENTSTable 6-7. Minimum Specifications of Equipment Required-continuedDc Volts Accuracy AdjustmentsFigure 6-19. Location of Adjustments, Analog and Ratio BoardsZero Width Adjustment (A1-R107)Dc Ratio Accuracy AdjustmentsFigure 6-20. DC Ratio Calibration, Equipment Connections100 V Full Range (A9-R10)/100 Vdc Common Mode (A9-R22)Figure 6-21. DC Ratio Calibration, Equipment ConnectionsFigure 6-22. Location of Test PointsFigure 6-23. DC Ratio Auto Range Detector CalibrationDc Volts Autoranging AdjustmentsFigure 6-25. DC Voltage Autoranging, Equipment ConnectionsDc/dc Ratio Autoranging AdjustmentsRatio > +180000 Up Range Trip PointFigure 6-26. DC/DC Ratio Autoranging, Equipment ConnectionsFigure 6-27. Location of Adjustments, True Rms BoardFigure 6-28. RMS Converter Adjustment, Equipment ConnectionsOverall Zero Adjustments (A7-R83, R94, R113, R144, R148)Overall Zero Adjustments (A7-R94, R113, R144, R148)Dc Turnover Adjustment (A7-R91) - TM-11-6625-444-14-20122Dc Turnover Adjustment (A7-R91) - TM-11-6625-444-14-20123Figure 6-29. Crest Factor Adjustment, Equipment ConnectionsRms Converter Dc Range Adjustments (A7-R40)Figure 6-30. DC Volts Accuracy, Equipment ConnectionsFinal ProcedureFigure 6-31. AC Volts Accuracy Check, Equipment ConnectionsAPPENDIX A. REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-444-14-20129APPENDIX B. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-11-6625-444-14-20131Column Entries - TM-11-6625-444-14-20132Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR VOLTMETER AN/GSM-64CREMARKS - TM-11-6625-444-14-20134Section III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR DIGITAL VOLTMETER, AN/GSM-64CFigure FO-1. Voltmeter Block DiagramFigure FO-2. Power Supply (A1,A2) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-3. Dc Volts Attenuator/Analog Switching (A1) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-4. A/D Converter and Active Filter (A1) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-5. Auto Range Up/Down Detectors (A1) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-6. Relay Switching Circuits (A1) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-7. Function Select Logic (A2) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-8. Manual Auto Remote Range Circuits (A2) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-9. Counter and Display Circuits (A2,A3) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-10. Parallel BCD Output (A2) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-11. Range Encoder/DP Encoder Circuits (A2) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-12. Rms Converter Preamplifier and Scaling (A7) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-13. True Rms Converter (A7) Schematic DiagramFigure FO-14. Dc Ratio Amplifier (A9) Schematic DiagramTM-11-6625-444-14-2 Voltmeter Digital AN/GSM-64C (NSN 6625-01-124-0834) (EIC: KNK) Manual