TM 11-6625-444-14-2
able equipment t o a like-new condition in
quality assurance/quality control time in addition
accordance with original manufacturing stand-
to the time required to perform the specific tasks
ards. Rebuild is the highest degree of materiel
identified for the maintenance functions author-
maintenance applied to Army equipment. The
ized in the maintenance allocation chart. Sub-
rebuild operation includes the act of returning to
columns of column 4 are as follows:
zero those age measurements (hours, miles,
e t c . ) considered in classifying Army equip-
C - Operator/Crew
H - General Support
O - Organizational
D - Depot
F - Direct Support
B-3. Column Entries
e. Column 5, Tools and Equipment. Column 5
specifies by code, those common tool sets (not
a. Column 1, Group Number. Column 1 lists
individual tools) and special tools, test, and sup-
group numbers, the purpose of which is to iden-
port equipment required to perform the desig-
tify components, assemblies, subassemblies, and
nated function.
modules with the next higher assembly.
B-4. Tool and Test Equipment Requirements
b. Column 2, Component/Assembly. Column
2 contains the noun names of components, as-
semblies, subassemblies, and modules for which
a. Tool or Test Equipment Reference Code.
maintenance is authorized.
The numbers in this column coincide with the
numbers used in the tools and equipment column
of the MAC. The numbers indicate the applica-
c. Column 3, Maintenance Functions. Column
ble tool or test equipment for the maintenance
3 lists the functions to be performed on the item
listed in column 2.
b. Maintenance Category. The codes in this
d. Column 4, Maintenance Category. Column
column indicate the maintenance category allo-
4 specifies, by the listing of a "worktime" figure
cated the tool or test equipment.
in the appropriate subcolumn(s), the lowest level
of maintenance authorized to perform the func-
tion listed in column 3. This figure represents the
c. Nomenclature. This column lists the noun
active time required to perform that maintenance
name and nomenclature of the tools and test e-
f u n c t i o n at the indicated category of main-
quipment required to perform the maintenance
If the number or complexity of the
tasks within the listed maintenance function vary
at different maintenance categories, appropriate
d. National / NATO Stock Number. This col-
"work time" figures w i l l be shown for each
umn lists the National/NATO stock number of
category. The number of man-hours specified
the specific tool or test equipment.
by the "worktime" figure represents the average
t i m e required to restore an item (assembly,
e. Tool Number. This column lists the manu-
subassembly, component, module, end item or
system) to a serviceable condition under typical
facturer's part number followed by the Federal
field operating conditions.
This time includes
supply code for manufacturer (5-digit) in paren-
p r e p a r a t i o n time, troubleshooting time, and