TM 11-6625-444-14-2
*For optimum Ratio performance within the EXT REF voltage operating limits of 1 V to 2 V
use the 2 volt RANGE. AUTO range operation in DC/DC RATlO mode is only applicable for in-
put voltages greater than 2 volts using the 20V, 200V and 1000V ranges.
voltmeter will be in the 2V full scale range con-
dition. When a voltage is applied that results in
a count higher than (approximately) 195,000,
When the AUTO switch is pushed in to the AU-
the next higher range will be selected.
TO position, ranging is automatically controlled
voltmeter is fully protected for any signal to
1000 Vdc and 1000 Vac rms. If the voltage is
changed to a level lower than (approximately)
U405 respectively) and, in turn, the commands
to the up/down counter. For automatic voltage
12,000 counts, the next lower range will be se-
ranging in the absense of any input signal, the