TM 11-6625-444-14-2
(11) Manually initiate a sample reading by
pressing the RESET switch. Record the displayed
reading. Repeat this procedure nine more times
For the following adjustment proce-
for a total of ten manual samplings.
dure, make sure that the RATlO FULL
RANGE control is not moved from its
previous position.
(12) Calculate the difference between the
recorded sample reading displayed and 100.000
for each of the ten readings. Ignore the nega-
tive sign for all samples less than 100.000 and
b. Bias Adjustment (A1-R54)
total the ten numbers.
(1) Adjust the SAMPLE RATE control for
(13) Divide the total by ten, The resulting
approximately one display readout every sec-
number must not exceed 12.