Chapter 1. THEORYSection Il. UNIT THEORYTransconductance (G,,,) Test CircuitPower Supply CircuitsScreen SupplyFigure 3. Simplified filament power supply circuit. Transconductance Test CircuitEmission Measuring CircuitGas Test CircuitVoltage Regulator and Thyraton Tube Test Circuit Short Test CircuitFilament Continuity Test CircuitFigure 10. Leakage test circuit of Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/U, simplified schematic diagram.Chapter 2. TROUBLESHOOTINGChecking Filament and High-Voltage Circuits for Opens and Short CircuitsFigure 11. Tube socket voltage and resistance diagram.Figure 13. Resistor mounting board voltage and resistance diagram. Voltage MeasurementsTroubleshooting Chart (fig. 26).Dc Resistances of Transformers T1 and T2Filament Transformer T1 (fig. 3).Chapter 3. FOURTH ECHELON REPAIRS Lowering ChassisFigure 15. Rear of pane! of Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/U, location of parts.Figure 16. Bottom of chassis and resistor mounting board of Test Set, Electron Tube TV2(*)/U, location of parts.Figure 17. Rear of chassis of Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2/U and TV-2B/U, and TV-2C/U, location of parts.Figure 18. Rear of chassis of Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2A/U, location of parts.Figure 19. Front of chassis of Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/U, location of parts.Removal and Replacement of TransformersReplacement.Figure 20. Tube test data roll chart housing assembly.Chapter 4. FIFTH ECHELON FINAL TESTINGBias Voltage TestFigure 21. Voltage, gas and resistance tests.Plate Voltage TestFigure 22. Signal and filament voltage tests.Filament Voltage TestShunt Control TestFigure 23. Shunt control test.Final Performance TestAppendix REFERENCESFigure 4. Simplified power supply circuit.Figure 5. Transconductance measurement circuit of Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/U.Figure 12. Chassis voltage and resistance diagram.Figure 24. MIL-STD resistor color code markings.igure 26. Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/U, schematic diagram.Figure 26. Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/U, schematic diagram.Figure 27. Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/U, chassis and resistor mounting board, wiring diagram.Figure 28. Electron Tube TV-2(*)/U, control and instrument panel, wiring diagram TM-11-6625-316-35 Test Sets Elecrtonic Tube TV-2/U TV-2A/U TV-2B/U and TV-2C/U Manual