Figure 1.Test Set, Electron Tube -2 / U, less Running SparesChapter 1. INTRODUCTIONSection II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-11-6625-316-120020Components of Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/UDescription of Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/UTest Sets, Electron Tube Chapter 2. OPERATION - TM-11-6625-316-120024Figure 2. Typical Packaging Section II. OPERATORS CONTROLS AND INDICATORSOperating Controls and indicators Indicators.Figure 3. Test Set, Electron Tube TV-2(*)/U. Front Panel Tube Test DataTube Test Data (cont)Figure 4. Tube test data roll chart, mounted in housing Section III. PRELIMINARY OPERATING PROCEDURESPreliminary Starting Procedure - TM-11-6625-316-120034Preliminary Starting Procedure (Cont)Section IV. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONSZero Adjustment of PERCENT QUALITY MeterInterelement Leakage Test Filament Continuity TestGas Test Emission TestVoltage Regulator and Gas Recifier TestProcedure for Reading Plate Current (Less Than 50 Milliam-peres) of Triode TubesThyratron TestElectron-Ray Indicator TestBallast Tube TestComplete Tube TestShort TestTest for Excessive Gas.Measurement of Emission (Diode No. 2)Stopping Procedure - TM-11-6625-316-120051Chapter 3. OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCEFigure 6. DA Form 11-266, Page 1 and 4Figure 7. DA Form 11-266, Page 2 and 3Visual Inspection - TM-11-6625-316-120055Operational Checklist Operational Checklist (Cont)Removal and Replacement of Chassis Tube ReplacementReplacement of Fuses and LampsChapter 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE - TM-11-6625-316-120061Visual Inspection - TM-11-6625-316-120062Figure 9. DA Form 11-266, Page 2 and 3 (as used by second echelon)Equipment Performance Checklist Equipment Performance Checklist (Cont) - TM-11-6625-316-120065Equipment Performance Checklist (Cont) - TM-11-6625-316-120066Figure 10. Test AdaptersReplacement of Test AdaptersChapter 5. SHIPMENT, LIMITED STORAGE, AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USEFigure 11. Field repackaging diagram.Section II. DEMOLITION OF MATERIEL TO PREVENT ENEMY USE - TM-11-6625-316-120071Appendix I: REFERENCES Appendix II: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATIONMaintenance by Using Organizations - TM-11-6625-316-120074Appendix III: BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTCritical ItemsPart of Component Part of Component (Cont)Tools Required for Maintenance Functions Description - TM-11-6625-316-120080TM-11-6625-316-12 Test Sets Electron Tube TV-2/U TV-2A/U and TV-2B/U Manual