TM 11-6625-441-12
Figure 3-3. SELF TEST RECEPTACLE J8, with cover opened.
should indicate 110 48 mW. Pause at each
the tolerances of f above, troubleshooting
position, and vary interphone control VOL control
of the interphone control is required.
from fully clockwise to fully counterclockwise and
g. Return interphone test set RECEIVER SEL
back to fully clockwise; the output meter indication
switch to position 1, and set interphone control
should vary from 0 to 110 48 mW.
transmit-interphone selector switch to position
n. Rotate interphone test set RECEIVER SEL
switch to position 7; the output meter should
h. Rotate interphone test set RECEIVER SEL
indicate 27 +12 mW. Vary interphone control VOL
switch from position 1 through 7; the output meter
c o n t r o l from fully clockwise to fully coun-
should read zero.
terclockwise and back to fully clockwise; the
i. Rotate interphone test set RECEIVER SEL
output meter should not vary,
switch to INTER; the output meter should indi-
o. On Test Set, Radio TS-1588A/AIC, rotate
cate 110 48 mW.
interphone test set RECEIVER SEL switch to
j. On Test Set, Radio TS-1588A/AIC, rotate
EMER; the output meter should indicate 27 + 12
interphone test set RECEIVER SEL switch to
mW. Vary interphone control from fully clockwise
EMER; the output meter should indicate 2712
t o fully counterclockwise and back to fully
clockwise; the output meter should not vary.
k. Return Test Set, Radio TS-1588A/AIC inter-
p. Set interphone control RECEIVERS switches
phone test set RECEIVER SEL switch to position
NAV and 1 through 4 to OFF (down) position, and
RECEIVERS INT switch to ON (up) position.
j. Set interphone control RECEIVERS switches
q. Set interphone control transmit-interphone
NAV and 1 through 4 to ON (up position).
selector switch to position 1.
m. Rotate interphone test set RECEIVER SEL
r. Rotate interphone test set RECEIVER SEL
switch from position 1 through 6; the output meter