TM 11-6625-2616-14
b. Test Condition.
Power Supply Tests
(1) Instrument connected to a 115 vac pow-
a. General. The regulated voltages developed
er source through a variac.
by the power supplies are critical to the proper
performance of every circuit in the AN/GSM-
(2) PWR ON pushbutton in (no warmup
64A. It is, therefore desirable, whenever a mal-
function occurs, to determine that the voltages
(3) VDC pushbutton in.
developed in the power supplies are correct, A
quick check of the voltages at the test points
c. Test Procedure. Connect the leads of the
provided on the printed circuit boards will verify
that this is, or is not, the source of the malfunc-
L and the test points set forth in the chart
tion. Since this is so simple to do and since the
below. The chart provides nominal voltage of
power supplies are so important, it is good prac-
each power supply and the acceptable limits.
tice to do this test first before anything else.
During the testing of each supply, vary the