TM 11-6625-539-14-3
Section i.
C-1. Scope
P--Repair parts which are stocked in or supplied from
This manual lists repair parts required for the
the GSA/DSA, or Army Supply system, and auth-
performance of general support and depot main-
orized for use at indicated maintenance categories.
tenance of the TS1836C/U. No parts are author-
P2--Repair parts which are procured and stocked for
insurance purposes because the combat or mili-
ized for organizational or direct support main-
tary essentiality of the end item dictates that a
minimum quantity be available in the supply
No special tools, test, or support equip-
P9--Assigned to items which are NSA design controlled:
ment is required.
unique repair parts, special tools, test, measuring
and diagnostic equipment, which are stocked and
supplied by the Army COMSEC logistic system,
C-2. General
and which are not subject to the provisions of
This Repair Parts List is divided into the follow-
AR 380-41.
P10--Assigned to items which are NSA design controlled:
ing sections:
speciaI tools, test, measuring and diagnostic equip-
a. Repair Parts for Direct Support, General
ment for COMSEC support, which are account-
Support, and Depot Maintenance-Section II. A
able under the provisions of AR 38041, and which
list of repair parts authorized for the perform-
are stocked and supplied by the Army COMSEC
logistic system.
ance of maintenance at the general support and
M--Repair parts which are not procured or stocked, but
depot level.
are to be manufactured at indicated maintenance
b. Index-Federal Stock Number and Reference
A--Assemblies which are not procured or stocked as
N u m b e r Cross-Reference to Figure and Item
such, but are made up of two or more units. Such
Number or Reference Designation-Section III.
component units carry individual stock numbers
and descriptions, are procured and stocked separ-
A `list of Federal stock numbers in ascending nu-
ately and can be assembled to form the required
merical sequence, followed by a list of reference
assembly at indicated maintenance categories.
numbers in ascending alpha-numeric sequence,
X--Parts and assemblies which are not procured or
cross-referenced to the illustration figure number
stocked and the mortality of which normally is
and reference designation.
below that of the applicable end item or com-
ponent. The failure of such part or assembly
c. Index-Reference Designation Cross-Refer-
should result in retirement of the end item from
ence to Page Number--Section IV. A list of ref-
the supply system.
erence designations cross-referenced to page
Xl--Repair parts which are not procured or stocked.
numbers (not applicable).
The requirement for such items will be filled by
use of the next higher assembly or component.
X2--Repair parts which are not stocked. The indicated
C-3. Explanation of Columns
maintenance category requiring such repair parts
will attempt to obtain same through cannibali-
T'he folIowing provides an explanation of columns
zation. Where such repair parts are not obtain-
in the tabular lists:
able through cannibalization, requirements will be
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
through normal supply channels.
Codes (SMR).
G--Major assemblies that are procured with PEMA
(1) Source code indicates the selection sta-
funds for initial issue only as exchange assem-
tus and source for the list item. Source codes are:
blies at DSU and GSU level. These assemblies