TM 11-6625-3059-10
Step (5)
If all switches under HIGH-PASS(HZ) are out, 10 is displayed. Press 10 switch, 10 remains displayed.
Press 30, 300 and 3000 in turn. Each number in turn will be displayed.
Step (6)
If all switches under LOW-PASS/DE-EMPHASIS (kHz)(uS)are out, 3 is displayed. With the green OUT-IN
switch out, press 3, 15,120 and 200 switches in turn. Respective numbers are displayed. Press green
OUT-IN switch in. 6 dB/OCT is displayed. In turn press 750, 75 and 50 switches. Respective numbers will
be displayed.
Step (7)
If all PEAK switches are out, a + is displayed. Press the + switch and a + is displayed, press the - switch
and a - is displayed. Press PK - PK switch and a is displayed.