TM 11-6625-2946-14/TM 08168A-14/1
The mixer output is then attenuated to provide the rf
meter deflection corresponding to the rf power level
received; therefore, in the use of the FSM, the red and
output to the radio set receiver at the ANTENNA con-
green portions of the meter scale are not significant. In
the use of the FSM for coupler adjustment, the ad-
4-6. Field Strength Measurement Mode
justments are made for maximum deflection on the
The field strength measurement (FSM) mode provides
meter. To avoid effects from the meter-protection
measurement of the radio set radiated power for
limiter of the field strength measurement circuit and
monitoring its output in the adjustment of the radio set
from signals radiated from the radio set internal cir-
antenna coupler. The radiated rf signal is received by the
cuitry, the FSM should be operated at a meter reading
level of 7 units or less by increasing the distance between
test set antenna and converted to a dc level by the field
the test set and the radio antenna.
strength detector circuit. The detected dc current causes