Parts Replacement
Parts available for replacement are listed in the parts list. When replacing any parts, be careful to not disturb or damage
any others Do not overheat resistors or diodes, but be sure to make a good solder connection.
In some cases, it is wise to leave part of the lead from the old component and solder the new component to the old lead
to prevent damage to surrounding components.
If there is evidence of smoke or an electrical arc inside the VOM, return the VOM to the factory or an authorized service
center. There is a chance of hidden damage that could cause another failure In the VOM.
With normal use, readjustment of this VOM should not be necessary. Replacement parts are designed to be installed
without any need for recalibration of the VOM. An occasional check of the VOM against a known reference voltage or
another VOM is good practice. If there Is a question about the accuracy of the VOM, it should be returned to the factory
or an authorized service center for a calibration check.
Repair or Service
For repair of the VOM, return it to the factory or an authorized service center. To help in repairing the VOM, give a
detailed description of the problem and any other data that might be helpful such as what kind of circuit was being
measured when the problem was discovered.
If the VOM is damaged by an overload and there is evidence of smoke or an electrical arc inside, return It to the factory
or an authorized service center for Inspection and repair. There could be some hidden damage that would cause a future
failure of the VOM.
Test Leads
Check the test leads periodically. Leads that are worn, have damaged insulation, damaged plugs, damaged probes or
loose parts should be replaced.
The following section should be read carefully, It contains instructions and precautions to be observed In making
measurements with the tester.
The alligator clips provided with the tester fit over the end of the test probes. When measuring high voltage, these
alligator clips allow measurement without handling the test probes. ALWAYS SHUT OFF THE POWER source before
attempting to connect alligator clips.
When the approximate value of the quantity being measured is not known, ALWAYS START ON THE HIGHEST
RANGE. For greater accuracy, choose the range which will allow readings to be taken in the upper (right hand) portion of
the scale.
Readings are taken on the scale having the appropriate significant Figures (both 3 and 300 volts are read on the 0-300
scale) by multiplying or dividing by a factor of 10 or 100 as indicated by the range/scale ratio (i.e.; on the 3 volt range
divide the scale readings by 100).
The test probes should be disconnected from the voltage source (or the source shut off) before the switch position Is
changed. This practice will result In an increased life and reliability for the tester as well as a good safety practice.
The Meter Zero Adjust Screw is located near the center of the tester. It should be periodically adjusted so the meter
pointer is on zero with no input into the tester.
Readings on the sensitive voltage, current and resistance ranges may sometimes be different than calculated values.
Thermo-electric or electrochemical reactions can sometimes generate voltage (and current) In a circuit due to elevated
temperatures for soldering, contact of dissimilar metals, chemical.