capability, becomes the responsibility of the next higher
maintenance level.
b. The authority to perform a maintenance function
The purpose of the maintenance allocation chart
does not constitute authority to requisition or otherwise
is to provide all activities with maintenance functions to
secure necessary repair parts as specified in current
be performed at each level of maintenance.
supply directives.
a. Adjust.
To regulate periodically to prevent
a. Normally there will be no deviations from the
assigned maintenance level. In cases of operational
necessity, a maintenance function assigned to a
b. Repair. To return to a serviceable condition
maintenance level may, on a one-time basis and at
within the scope of authorized tools, equipment,
request of the lower maintenance level, be authorized to
supplies, and personnel.
the lower maintenance level by the maintenance officer
of the level to which the function is assigned.
c. Replace. To substitute serviceable assemblies,
b. The furnishing of special tools, equipment, and
subassemblies, and parts for unserviceable components
the like, required by the lower maintenance level to
to include necessary rigging and/or adjustment.
perform this function, will be the responsibility of the
level to which the function is assigned.
d. Calibrate. To determine, check, or rectify the
graduation of an instrument, weapon, weapons system,
or components of a weapons system.
a. Changes in the maintenance allocation chart will
e. Symbol X.
The symbol X placed in the
be based on continuing evaluation and analysis by
appropriate column indicates the maintenance level
responsible technical personnel and on Maintenance
responsible for performing that particular maintenance
Request Forms DA 2407 received from field activities.
operation, but does not necessarily indicate that repair
b. All maintenance prescribed herein will be
parts will be stocked at that level. Maintenance levels
performed in accordance with applicable publications.
higher than the level marked by X are authorized to
c. In any instance of conflict with current tool and
perform the indicated operation.
equipment lists or current supply manuals, this
maintenance allocation chart will be the final authority.
Each such instance should be promptly reported by
Maintenance Request Form DA 2407.
a. A maintenance function assigned to a
maintenance level, which for any reason is beyond its