repair parts when either the Federal stock num-
(4) Subsequent changes to allowances will
be limited as follows: No change in the range of
ber, reference number (manufacturer's part num-
ber) or reference designation is known. The first
items is authorized. If additional items are consid-
column in each index is prepared in alpha-
ered necessary, recommendation should be for-
numerical sequence in ascending order. Where a
warded to Commanding General, US Army Elec-
tronics Command, ATTN: AMSEL-ME-NNIP-
Federal stock number is not listed, refer to the
EM, Fort Monmouth, N. J., 07703, for exception
reference number (manufacturer's part number)
or revision to the allowance list. Revisions to the
immediately following the Federal stock number.
range of items authorized will be made by the
b. When the Federal stock number is known,
USAECOM National Maintenance Point based
follow the procedures given in (1) and (2) be-
upon engineering experience, demand, data or
TAERS information.
(1) Refer to the index of Federal stock num-
g. Illustrations. This column is divided as fol-
bers (sec. IV) and locate the Federal stock num-
ber. The FSN is cross-referenced to the applicable
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure
figure and reference designation.
number of the illustration in which the item is
(2) When the reference designation is de-
termined, refer to the reference designation index
(2) Item number or reference designation.
(sec. V). The reference designations are listed in
Indicates the reference designation used to identi-
alpha-numeric ascending order and are cross-
fy the item in the illustration.
-referenced to the page number on which they ap-
A4-4. Special Information
pear in the repair parts list (sec. III) . Refer to
the page number noted in the index and locate
a. Identifications of the usable on codes in-
the reference designation (co1. 7b). If the de-
cluded in column 2 of section II and section 111
of this publication are-
scription column indicates that it is a "same as"
item, locate the first appearance of the item by
Used on
the index number (sequence number) refer-
b. Repair parts mortality is computed from
c. When the reference designation is known,
failure rates derived from experience factors
follow the procedure given in b (2) above.
with the individual parts in a variety of equip-
d. When neither the FSN nor reference desig-
ments. Variations in the specific application and
nation is known, identify the part in the illustra-
periods of use of electronics equipment, the
tion and follow directions given in c above; or
fragility of electronic piece parts, plus intangible
scrutinize column 3 of the repair parts list
material and quality factors intrinsic to the man-
ufacture of electronic parts, do not permit mor-
A4-6. Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers
tality to be based on hours of end item use.
However, long periods of continuous uses under
Staver Company, Inc.
adverse conditions are likely to increase repair
Army Missile Command
parts mortality.
Kury & Kasch, Inc.
Military Specifications
A4-5. Location of Repair Parts
Herman H. Smith, Inc.
a. This appendix contains two cross-reference
Hudson Lamp Company
indexes (sec. IV and V) to be used to locate a