Figure 1-1. Voltmeter, Electronic AN/URM-145BChapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-524-14-20007Technical Characteristics - TM-11-6625-524-14-20008Figure 1-3. Input resistance of rf probeChapter 2. INSTALLATION - TM-11-6625-524-14-20011Chapter 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-524-14-20013Figure 3-1. Front panel controlsFigure 3-2. Rear panel controls.Magnetic FieldsChapter 4. Oerator's and Organizational MaintenanceTable 4-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesChapter 5. CIRCUIT FUNCTIONING - TM-11-6625-524-14-20019Figure 5-2. Rf probe, simplified schematic diagram.Rf ProbeFigure 5-3. Narrow band preamplifier, schematic diagram.Synchronous DemodulatorReference AmplifierFigure 5-8. Scale correction network, schematic diagram.Chapter 6. General Support Maintenance InstructionsFigure 6-1. Voltage and resistance measurements.Section II. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT - TM-11-6625-524-14-20029Section Ill. MAINTENANCEReplacement of Pc BoardFigure 6-3. Calibration board 3A3, location of partsFigure 6-4. Regulated power supply 3A1, location partsChapter 7. General Support Testing ProceduresPreamplifier and Amplifier TestFigure 7-3. Voltage accuracy test setup.Appendix A. REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-524-14-20039Appendix C. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-11-6625-524-14-20041Tool and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-11-6625-524-14-20042SECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR VOLTMETER, ELECTRONIC AN/URM-145BSection III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR VOLTMETER, ELECTRONIC AN/URM-145BSECTION IV. REMARKS - TM-11-6625-524-14-20045Figure 5-9. Regulated power supply, simplified schematic diagramFigure 5-10. Voltmeter, Electronic AN/URM-145B, schematic diagramTM-11-6625-524-14-2 Voltmeter Electronic AN/URM-145B Manual