Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6625-441-120007Description - TM-11-6625-441-120008Figure 11. Test Set, Radio TS1588/AIC, connected to interphone control under test.Figure 1-2. Test Set, Radio TS1588A/AIC, connected to interphone control under test.Chapter 2. SERVICE UPON RECEIPTFigure 2-1. Typical packaging diagram.Chapter 3. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-11-6625-441-120013 Preliminary Starting ProcedureTesting Receive and Interphone CircuitsFigure 3-1. Test Set, Radio TS-1588/AIC, operating controls and indicators.Figure 3-2. Test Set, Radio TS-1588A/AIC, operating controls and indicators.Figure 3-3. SELF TEST RECEPTACLE J8, with cover opened.Testing Transmit Circuits Testing Hot Mike and Sidetone CircuitsChapter 4. ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSOrganizational Preventive MaintenanceCleaning Instructions.Section IV. TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE OF TEST SET, RADIO TS-1588(*)/AICAppendix A: REFERENCES - TM-11-6625-441-120027Appendix C: MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION - TM-11-6625-441-120029Remarks (sec IV) - TM-11-6625-441-120030SECTION II MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR TEST SET, RADIO TS-1588/AIC AND TS-1588A/AICSECTION III TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR TEST SET, RADIO TS-1588/AIC AND TS-1588/AICSECTION IV. REMARKS - TM-11-6625-441-120033TM-11-6625-441-12 Test Sets Radio TS-1588/AIC TS -1588A/AIC Manual